Rector’s Ramblings – June 6, 2024
On Saturday night, I joked about the dangers of preaching under the influence of VBS. I was noticeably tired after two and a half days of VBS decorating and preparations (with a couple of funerals thrown in the mix). I always know what I want to say when I preach, but it doesn’t come out as intended. Fortunately, the message came through as intended! This whole week is about ministry under the influence of VBS – and that’s a good thing!
This week at our staff meeting, each of us reflected on early memories from when we were young and had moments of awe and fun in a Church experience. Experiences that came to mind ranged from VBSs to summer camps to church theatre and music. Each of us had a positive experience as a child learning about God in fun and tailored ways, which is why VBS week is such an incredible experience. This year, the kids seem particularly excited by what we’re doing, whether it’s the theme or the music – whatever it is, they have been energized and participatory from the first night!
This week’s theme is about realizing what a great friend God is. We’re covering that God is a friend who is real, who loves us, who can be trusted, who is our friend forever, and who is a friend to everyone. All of the skits, the songs, the small groups, and the activities reinforce this theme over and over. It’s simple, of course, precisely as it should be. There is something to be said for a childlike faith. Jesus never says that our faith should be childlike, precisely. Still, he does tell us that we should be like little children to enter the Kingdom of God (Matthew 18: 2). The simplistic, humble, and open-mindedness of children is undoubtedly part of what he’s alluding to, so we might as well call it a childlike faith.
For many of us, things were much simpler when we were children (that doesn’t mean easy). We did not contemplate the intricacies of theology, for the most part. We just knew that God made and loved us – or at least I hope we heard that message as kids. That’s the message of this week, which I’m so happy to be a small part of reinforcing. It’s worth every penny spent, every volunteer hour invested in snacks, decorating, shepherding, feeding, and loving these kids. If, after all this effort, the only thing they take away is that God loves them and a little bit about what that means, then we have done our job well.
Our VBS team will be tired at the close of our session on Thursday – and so will the kids. That’s part of it. It’s also filling our team with as much energy, hope, and joy as the kids. I think that a bit of living under the influence of VBS is good for us, and many of us adults could benefit from returning to a childlike approach to God occasionally. God loves you, so sing a song about it. God loves you, so paint a picture trying to capture that. God loves you, and that’s all that matters.
God of wonder and joy, may your love embrace the children and you people who join us for Vacation Bible School so they may come to know you more deeply. May your people experience good fellowship in these days as we study, create, and play. Bless us, O God, as we seek to learn from your Word and to share your love. We pray this through your playful Spirit and in the name of your Son, who called the children to him. Amen.