Membership is open to anyone willing to dedicate weekly rehearsal time and participate in various liturgies in our parish. The Parish Choir sings for the Sunday morning 9:15 Eucharist in addition to a full range of festival services and Evensong offerings. Our repertoire thrives on a diverse selection of music.
Choirister Choir
The Christ Church Chorister program is where music ministry begins for young children. We play, we learn, and we begin to experience music and liturgy in God’ house. No audition is required. We have fun learning music.
Christ Church Handbell Choir
The Christ Church Handbell Choir offers ringing in all our Liturgies. Our rehearsals combine musical finesse with a sense of humor. Membership is open to anyone interested in this ministry. Please contact the Organist and Choirmaster to fill your spot.
St. Cecilia Concert Series
Outstanding music and art are an integral part of Christ Church, Frederica. Blessed by both the beauty of our historic church and the acoustical resonance of our Parish House, our occasional St. Cecilia Series performances are exquisite. These musical offerings depend on the generosity of our parish and friends to help support this ministry. We welcome your interest and would be pleased to discuss ways in which you might be a partner in our work by offering an unrestricted gift or sponsoring a concert or event. Donations, memorials, and attending our events are always welcome.