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ECW Annual Grant Eligibility

General Information

Grant applications will only be considered from organizations meeting the Eligibility Requirements and outlining project-specific proposed use of funds. 

Episcopal Church Women of Christ Church, Frederica (ECW), is a non-profit Christian Organization that awards grants to non-profit, tax exempt charitable organizations and ministries exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of The Internal Revenue Service Code.  Our mission is to be a lasting, elective and compassionate charitable resource for organizations within our local community that respond to critical needs.

Grant Cycle

Applications may be submitted September 1 through October 31 for grants that will be awarded from the proceeds of the upcoming Tour of Homes. 

Eligibility Criteria

The ECW will consider awarding grants to organizations serving people in need, especially women and children. This includes programs that address issues of hunger, physical and mental health, housing, safety, education or provide a religious and moral foundation.

Geographical Restrictions

Only requests from organizations in our local community will be considered.

Other Restrictions 

The ECW will not consider the following for grants:

  • Organizations that do not meet the charitable status requirements of IRS code 501 (c)(3).
  • Individuals
  • Individual Scholarships
  • Offsetting deficits in the general operating budget
  • Debt reduction or previously incurred deficits for any reason
  • Business Ventures
  • Loans
  • Endowments
  • Political organizations of any kind
  • Organizations with a sole purpose of fundraising.

What To Do Once You’ve Determined Your Eligibility

Once you have thoroughly reviewed our grant Eligibility Requirements and determined your project meets our criteria, please submit a grant application.

If you have questions please contact the ECW Charity Grants Committee at