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Historic •  Timeless

Episcopal Church Women

The mission of the ECW, which includes every woman in the Christ Church, Frederica Parish, is to support the efforts of all members in Christ Church, Frederica  in order to help people find Christian community through worship, study, and service.

The Christ Church, Frederica ECW was formed in 1953. From 1953 to modern day, the ECW continues to raise funds, with all the net proceeds going back into Glynn County.  ECW has an annual Brunch the first of every year for all women who attend Christ Church, Frederica. ECW also has a Mother’s Day Brunch for Mothers 90 years old plus. It has become a lively event which also involves the Christ Church Frederica youth. 

We are a non-profit. Christian organization, which makes grants to non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organizations and ministries which are exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Our mission is to be a lasting, elective, and compassionate charitable resource for agencies in our local community that respond to critical needs.